Tana Apesin Spray disinfectant for general use 750ml
Unique alcohol-based fast-acting disinfectant free of chlorine, aldehyde and phenol, approved by the National Medicines Agency.
Apesin Spray has bactericidal, fungicidal, fungicidal, phyticidal and virucidal activity against HBV (Hepatitis-B) and AIDS (HIV) viruses. In addition, it is active against all animal influenza viruses (H1N1 and H3N8) and is also suitable for disinfecting surgical footwear.
It does not contain chlorine, aldehydes and phenols. It is colourless, with a pleasant odour, gentle on the skin.
It can be used to disinfect surfaces and equipment in public and private places (mattresses, beds, trolleys, trolleys, tool trays, waste baskets, toilet seats, door handles, etc.), as well as in food preparation, processing and distribution areas. Do not use on surfaces sensitive to alcohol (e.g. plexiglass)
Apesin Spray is ready to use and can be applied either by spraying directly onto surfaces and objects from a distance of 20-30 cm (taking care to be completely wet), or by spraying onto a clean and absorbent cloth. The waiting time is 1 minute, while for surfaces in contact with foodstuffs, rinsing with clean, abundant water is required before reuse. Do not spray more than 50 ml/m2.